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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

PE Day/s 

  • Please come to school in your PE kit on Mondays.  


  • During the Summer Term, Foundation go swimming most days (weather permitting). Therefore, they will need their swimming kit in school every day. 
  • Children will need swim suit/shorts, a towel, goggles (optional) and pool shoes to walk to and from the swimming pool.  

Outdoor Learning 

  • Every Wednesday afternoon the children will go outside and explore the environmental areas. Sessions will link with our learning as well as the children learning skills such as making fires and using tools for outdoor craft.  
  • Children need a full change of clothes, waterproofs, wellies and a bag to put their wet and muddy things in afterwards!  


  • Daily reading with an adult. Please record your child's reading in their reading record so we can see they have been read with.   


  • On Fridays, Foundation will go to the school library for story time and to choose a book of their choice to take home and share with their family.
  • The children can also attend Library area at lunchtime in the outdoor classroom

Key Documentation

Key documents, letters and information to support your child's induction to St Andrew's Primary School.





Foundation Class key documents 

Our EYFS curriculum is based on the Statutory Framework through the use of the non- statutory Development Matters